Photo by Meredith Longo.

Jasmine Calhoun is, first and foremost, a playwright and visual artist.

About Me

All throughout her childhood, Jasmine has always written, especially dialgoue-heavy stories. It wasn’t until she was accepted into Educational Center of the Arts (E.C.A.) in New Haven, Connecticut that she learned how to write plays and other creative writing mediums. She graduated from S.U.N.Y. Purchase in 2021 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and a minor in playwriting. Between high school and college, she’s had two 10-minute plays produced, and staged-reading for a one-act. She’s currently working on her first full-length plays.

For samples of her writings, click here.

For her playwright’s resume, click here.

Writing History

Since she was a child, she always drew little comics and pictures. Her semi-formal artistic training began on weekends, around 2011, at the Adae Fine Art Academy in New Haven, Connecticut, which she still attends to this day. Between then and now, she’s become happy with the styles she’s solidified! 

For samples of her visual work, click here.

Visual Arts History

Jasmine currently works at Playhouse on Park as a grant writer. She’s working on several visual arts pieces as well as full-length plays. In addition, she is an amateur graphic designer, and in her free time, she runs a digital zine (SophDrink).
